Ph.D. in Advanced Engineering Sciences (AES)

General Information

Institute: UACJ - IIT
Certified by CONACYT
Academic Area: Research
Modalidad: Presencial
Traditional Face-to-Face Learning
PhD length: 8 semesters
Credits to be covered: 164 credits

Admission process

To train highly competent researchers who generate and apply their knowledge to independently carry out original, quality, and internationally competitive research in the engineering field, as well as for the sustainable development of production systems, which can impact and promote the scientific and technological development of a country.

Specific objectives:

  • To generate new knowledge to propose innovative solutions to current challenges in the professional practice.
  • To participate in research projects focused on maximizing the sustainable use of production systems.
  • To preserve the principles of development the professional practice based on truth and honor, thus seeking to benefit society with appropriate attitudes and abilities.
  • To train students to become researchers with skills that will allow them to formulate, direct, and consolidate research and technological development projects.
  • To promote the exchange of knowledge with among research groups through academic exchanges for both students and faculty members.
  • Mission:

    To train future researchers with the highest degree of academic qualification in the advanced engineering field, along with a great social commitment and a global, ethical, critical, and plural vision towards an innovative, socially responsible, exclusive, sustainable, violence-free, interdisciplinary, and inter-agency projection environment, which promotes the development of science and technology through generation, preservation, and acquisition of relevant knowledge, in order to contribute to the economic and social development, as well as the solution of technological problems in the region and a country.


    To be a postgraduate degree with national and international recognition, registered in the PNPC, that prepares professionals with the highest quality, endowed with extensive knowledge, skills, and attitudes, that allow them to contribute to the development of science and technology in Mexico, as well as transform and innovate productive systems, to cover and meet needs from the integral development of a country.

    The course length is divided in eight semesters or terms. After having successfully completed every module, students will be able to defend their Ph.D. thesis. The coursework per semester is as follows:

    1er semester 2do semester 3er semester 4to semester 5to semester 6to semester 7mo semester 8vo semester
    Research Seminar Predoctoral Seminar Research Project I Research Project II Research Project III Research Project IV Research Project V Predoctoral Examination
    Seminario de Investigacion.pdf
    Seminario Predoctoral.pdf
    Proyecto de Investigacion I.pdf
    Proyecto de Investigacion II.pdf
    Proyecto de Investigacion III.pdf
    Proyecto de Investigacion IV.pdf
    Examen Predoctoral.pdf

    Seminars are taken in the first two semesters; the first seminar is focused on research and the second is a pre-doctoral semester. The program is designed to be guided by the thesis tutor; one subject is taken per semester, except in the eighth semester where two subjects are taken. After the acceptance of the research project, the academic committee will assign a tutorial committee.

    It comprises a total of one hundred and sixty-four (164) credits. For each effective hour of learning activity, 0.0625 credits are considered; that is, one credit is equivalent to sixteen hours of work. The foregoing is in accordance with what is established in agreement No. 279 of the SEP, Articles 13 and 14, which establishes the value in credits of the effective hours of learning activities and the minimum number of credits for different academic programs, such as bachelor's, specialty, master's, and doctoral levels. In the case of the doctorate, the minimum number of credits established is one hundred fifty (150), after a bachelor's degree, and seventy-five (75) after a master's degree. Therefore, this program meets the criteria, as a maximum credit limit is not established for a doctoral program, neither by the SEP, nor in the legislation of the UACJ.

    According to the study plan, in the first seven semesters the student takes one subject and in the eighth semester the applicant will take two, which are Pre-doctoral Examination and Thesis. However, the advances that are evaluated in each of the research projects are aimed at facilitating the approval of the thesis. For the design of the study plan, sixteen effective weeks of academic activities per semester were considered, considering the holidays granted by the University to its professors and students, in accordance with the Federal Labor Law and with the local festivities that take place.

    A learning activity is understood to be "any action in which the student participates in order to acquire the knowledge or skills required in a study plan," and said activities may be carried out under the guidance of an academic instructor at institutional spaces or independently as part of autonomous processes. The serial programming of the research projects, immediately after the seminars, implies that the student can get enrolled in the following semester if they have the corresponding subject to the previous semester.

    To consolidate and broaden their knowledge and incorporate the doctoral student into academic activities related to their specialty, student participation in congresses, discussion forums, workshops, stays, conferences, etc., will be encouraged, either as an assistant or as a speaker, which helps as feedback and dissemination for their project. Likewise, the development of articles and presentations related to their area of research will be promoted in collaboration activities with thesis supervisors.

    The research areas in the program are signals processing and production processes, which are described below:

    Signals processing

    This line focuses on the acquisition, processing, and amplification of signals for their manipulation or interpretation. The sources can be very diverse, for example, the signals can come from a sensor that measures physical signals such as pressure, temperature, humidity, etc., or from a video camera and its processing will depend on the nature of said signals. The fields of application of signal processing are Mechatronics, Biomedicine, Telecommunications, Automotive and Industrial Systems, among others. Signal Processing students will be able to conduct research in image analysis and processing, voice, robotics, random processes, digital filtering, among others, to provide solutions to problems in the previous fields. The research areas are the following:

  • Image processing: refers to the application of signal processing techniques to any type of image or video sequence. One of the application areas is X-ray, CT, MRI image processing, etc., which helps the timely diagnosis of diseases.
  • Computer Vision: Also known as machine vision, it tries to equip computers or other machines with eyes. In most of the literature, it is defined as the construction of explicit descriptions, with a meaning of the structures and properties of the three-dimensional world in which we live, from two-dimensional images.
  • Pattern recognition: assign objects or events to a category, depending on their characteristics. The word recognize implies associating an object with a label. For example, the tag cat is associated with all cat breeds, therefore, when there is an Angora, a Bengali or a Russian Blue cat, it is automatically associated (recognized) with the tag cat, even if the breed to which it belongs is ignored.
  • Production processes

    A production process is understood to be the set of activities that are integrated, to transform a raw material into a finished product. Therefore, there is a process of supplying raw materials, a process of transforming them and a distribution of finished products that are destined for the customer. There are several stages in the process, so the line of research is subdivided into the following five sub-areas:

  • Lean manufacturing: it is the set of techniques that are applied to a production system, manage to increase its efficiency rates, and although there are more than 26 reported techniques, emphasis will be placed on lean manufacturing modeling and critical success factors in technical manufacturing.
  • Human factors and ergonomics: ergonomics is the science that studies the integration of the human factor in production systems, where the integration of benefit for production systems are sought that is, that the production systems are adapted to human factors and not the other way around.
  • Supply chains: refers to the set of activities by which the phenomenon of material supply occurs throughout the production system. The most studied phenomena are lean thinking in the supply chain, supply chain design, and sustainable chain.
  • Industrial sustainability: sustainability is the discipline that seeks to balance production systems with the environment through several approaches, even in these times all the certification of the ISO-14000 family is focused on that sense. In this area, the industrial impact, industrial clusters, and the mechanisms of industrial clusters are studied.
  • Production technologies: refer to methodologies or production methods, such as statistical process control, Kaizen, Kanban, among others. Many of the soft technologies studied are part of lean manufacturing systems. In relation to hard technologies, these are associated with physical devices and refer to machinery and equipment, automated systems, computer-aided manufacturing systems, technology groups and robots, among others. .

  • The candidate for the doctoral program in Advanced Engineering Sciences (AES) must hold a master's degree in any discipline akin to this Ph.D. program, such as: electrical engineering, computer systems engineering, digital systems engineering, mechatronics engineering, industrial engineering, engineering in manufacturing, among others.

  • Be determined to study a graduate program and willing to carry out scientific research.
  • Be able to use mathematical and computational procedures and methods, etc., that represent the reality of several systems through models.
  • Propose engineering solutions with a focus on applied engineering.
  • Be willing to succeed and have work spirit and teamwork skills.
  • Be interested in knowing about science and use it to timely solve problems.
  • Be responsible, hardworking, constant, and disciplined.
  • Demonstrate social commitment by positively and responsibly transforming the environment.
  • Have a broad sense of social commitment, as well as the structural fabric from which it comes.
  • Demonstrate environmental commitment through their proposals to solve problems, where sustainability as the basis will always be considered.
  • The candidate must avoid any prejudice regarding other people's gender, background, or beliefs.

  • Graduate students from the Ph.D. in AES are intellectual assets with valuable skills and competencies in research and Ph.D. studies. They have specific strength that combines professional training and the creativity implied in research. These are characteristics of students trained to become both professionals and researchers. Graduate students of the AES program are also able to address the technological demands of different socioeconomic sectors. Similarly, they will be able to carry out research aimed at innovations for emergent sectors related to information technologies and manufacturing processes. Furthermore, with their training, graduate students will be able to hold positions that require creativity, as well as outstanding leadership and management skills (e.g.: Ph.D. researcher, university professor, company researcher). y gestión.

    The program has two intrinsic goals that complete the graduate’s profile: to foster professional and research awareness, as well as its ethical implications in societyd.

    The Ph.D. in AES promotes the following academic connections:

    National and international academic stays

    Funding is available through different options:

    1. UACJ internal calls for mobility application
    2. Additional calls for complementary support for different types of exchanges:
  • National academic stays aid
  • International academic stays aid
  • Student exchanges
  • Santander academic mobility grants
  • International mobility scholarships

  • Student Exchanges

    Students are advised to go on at least one academic exchange either national or international, although international exchanges encourage further internationalization of the program. Please note that student mobility is the consequence of previous faculty mobility or a pre-existent collaboration between faculty members at UACJ and academics from other universities. Also, it is sought that students are really integrated into collaborative projects among teachers, which allows students to take as much advantage as possible from their academic stays. Student mobility in the program that can be implemented after the fourth semester, once the students have clearly defined the research problem for their thesis and they are more independent from their thesis supervisor, therefore, their research protocol is clear. Available funding for student exchanges include:

  • Conacyt mixed scholarships
  • Grants provided by UACJ calls for application
  • Funds for research projects
  • International mobility scholarships
  • Education supporters, including Fundación Carolina and Iberus, among others

  • Joint Projects

    The internationalization of this Ph.D. program depends on the ability of faculty members to participate in academic projects with other institutions. To support joint projects, students and professors can apply for a bilateral fund in which universities that are involved in the collaboration are engaged in financial backing

    Solid research products (PSI for its acronym in Spanish)

    A joint PSI is the best evidence of a productive academic mobility. Joint PSIs can include a published journal article, book chapter, or patent, among others. PSIs are only possible thanks to academic stays, student exchanges, and joint projects.

    Academic partnerships

    Nowadays, the members of the BAN (Basic Academic Nucleus) collaborate with academics from the following universities (see table), where most of these full-time professors are external advisors of the Ph.D. in AES.

    Academic Partnerships
    University of Zaragoza Spain
    University of La Rioja Spain
    National University of Colombia Colombia
    Autonomous University of Baja California México
    Technological Institute of Orizaba México
    University of Valle Colombia
    University of Rosario Colombia
    University of Murcia Spain
    University Carlos III de Madrid Spain

    Dra. Vianey Guadalupe Cruz Sánchez

    Vianey Guadalupe Cruz Sanchez is a Doctor of Science in Computer Science and professor-researcher at the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez since 2009, in the Department of Electrical and Computer Science. The bachelor's degree was carried out at the Cerro Azul Technological Institute in 2000. She completed her master's and doctorate studies at the Center for Technological Research and Development (Cenidet), in the city of Cuernavaca, Morelos, finishing her studies in 2004 and 2010, respectively. Her lines of work are: Artificial Intelligence, Computational Vision and currently, Augmented Reality. She has published in various journals, such as Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Nuclear Instruments, and Methods in Physics Research A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, etc. Dr. Vianey Cruz belongs to the Mexican Academy of Computing, as well as to the National System of Researchers level I since 2015.

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    Osslan Osirirs Vergara Villegas, Ph.D.

    Dr. Osslan Vergara is a computer system engineer from the Technological Institute of Zacatepec (2000); Master of Science in Computer Science from the National Center for Technological Research and Development (cenidet) (2003), and Doctor of Science in Computer Science also at cenidet (2006). Since January 2007, he has been a full-time professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing at the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez (UACJ). Furthermore, since January 2014 he has been the director of the computer vision and augmented reality laboratory of the UACJ. Dr. Vergara is the author and co-author of more than 120 articles in national and international journals, books, and conferences. He is a member of the national system of researchers (SNI) level I. In 2012, he received the senior member distinction from the IEEE. His research interests include computer vision, digital image processing, augmented reality, and mechatronics.

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    Humberto Ochoa Domínguez, Ph.D.

    Humberto studied Industrial Engineering in Electronics at the Technological Institute of Veracruz, his master's degree in Electronics at the Technological Institute of Chihuahua, and his Ph.D. at the University of Texas at Arlington. Humberto worked for the Mexican Maritime Transportation company in charge of the maintenance of ship equipment. He has taken electro-hydraulic and electronic equipment maintenance courses in the UK, Norway, France, Spain, and Japan. He worked at the Sand Video and Nokia research centers with the Multimedia groups. Currently, he is a full-time professor at the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez, where he has patented three inventions and trained undergraduate, master, and doctoral students. He has published three books in internationally recognized publishers. The results of his research have been published in several internationally well-known journals, as well as he is a member of the National System of Researchers. His interests include machine learning and deep networks, image analysis, super resolution, and signal compression.

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    Vicente García Jiménez, Ph.D.

    Engineer in Computer Systems from the Technological Institute of Villahermosa in 2000. He obtained the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science from the Technological Institute of Toluca in 2002. In 2010, he earned his Ph.D in Advanced Computer Systems at the Universitat Jaume I (UJI), Castellón de la Plana, Spain. He was an associate researcher from 2010-2013 at the Institute of New Imaging Technologies (INIT), Spain. In 2013, he completed a postdoctorate at the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez. Since 2014 he has been a full-time professor in the Multidisciplinary Division of the UACJ at Ciudad Universitaria. He has been a member of the National System of Researchers level 1 since 2014. His research has always been around shape recognition, machine learning, and data mining, especially in data preprocessing tasks with complex problems, such as unbalanced classes, small disjuncts, displaced data, overlapping classes, among others. Also, on issues of evaluation metrics and both parametric and non-parametric classification.

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    José David Díaz Román, Ph.D.

    José David Díaz Román earned a degree in electronic engineering from the Polytechnic Institute of the National Armed Forces (Maracay, Venezuela) in 1997. Doctor of Engineering graduated from the Simón Bolívar University (Caracas, Venezuela). Between 1998 and 2016 he was part of the Electromedicine-Biomedical Engineering Program of the Francisco de Miranda National Experimental University in Coro, Venezuela. Since 2016, he has been a full-time professor in the Biomedical Engineering program in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico. The lines of knowledge generation and application include: digital signal and image processing, modeling of artificial intelligence systems as classification and prediction tools, electronic and biomedical instrumentation, and sensor networks. He has published articles and book chapters in international magazines and books. He is a member of the National System of Candidate Level Researchers.

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    Aidé Aracely Maldonado Macías, Ph.D.

    Dr. Aide Aracely Maldonado Macías is an Industrial Engineer, with a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering from the Technological Institute of Cd. Juarez, also she obtains the degree of Doctor of Science in Industrial Engineering from the same Institute. She currently works as a full-time Professor-Researcher at the Autonomous University of Cd. Juarez (UACJ). She has more than 20 years of experience as a teacher in Higher Education Institutions. She is a Certified Teacher in the Educational Model of the UACJ and as an Ergonomist Professional by the College of Ergonomists of Mexico. His lines of research are Ergonomic Evaluation and Design, Anthropometric and Work Stress Studies, Effects of Work Stress, Occupational Ergonomics, Cognitive Ergonomics, Macro-ergonomics, multi-attribute, and multi-criteria models for decision making with Axiomatic Design applications and fuzzy logic, as well as the ergonomic evaluation for the Selection of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (TMA). She belongs to the National System of Researchers Level 2. She received the 1st prize at the National Place for his doctoral thesis in the VII National Contest of Postgraduate Thesis by the General Directorate of Technological Institutes in 2010, and she has received multiple recognitions from the General Directorate of Technological Institutes, the Technological Institute of Ciudad Juarez and Coparmex for academic excellence in their Master’s and Doctoral studies. She was awarded the State Prize for Science, Technology and Innovation 2018, and distinguished as "Outstanding" along with the “María Esther Orozco Orozco" for her scientific distinction. She has 3 international and 1 national patents and has published in high impact indexed magazines, as well as books in National and International Publishers. She actively participates in the evaluation of applicants for masters and doctorates in national programs with quality recognition, serving on doctoral and master's committees in higher institutions. She has been part of international doctoral committees at the University of La Rioja and the University of Valencia in Spain.

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    Juan Luis Hernández Arellano, Ph.D.

    Graduated from Industrial Engineering and holding a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering from the Technological Institute of Celaya, and Doctor of Science in Engineering from the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez. Postdoctoral at Virginia Polytechnic University and State University. Currently, full-time professor in the Design department. The lines of generation and application of knowledge are related to ergonomics, anthropometry and biomechanics, statistical modeling in ergonomics and human factors in additive manufacturing. He is a member of the National System of Researchers level 1. He has published two research books and numerous articles and book chapters in international journals and books. He has 3 patents and 3 industrial designs approved by IMPI and the Spanish Patent Office. He is currently the coordinator of the Ph.D. in Advanced Engineering Sciences at the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez.

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    Liliana Avelar Sosa, Ph.D.

    Electronic Engineering graduate from the Technological Institute of Durango, also Master of Science in Industrial Engineering graduate from the Technological Institute of Ciudad Juarez; also, she holds a Doctorate in Engineering Science from the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez. She is currently a full-time professor at the Institute of Engineering and Technology, within the Department of Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing. The lines of generation and application of knowledge that she investigates are related to the Supply Chain, Logistics, Production Systems, Inventories, as well as Statistical Modeling with multivariate methods e.g., Structural Equations. She is a member of the National System of Researchers level 1. She has published a research book in Springer publishing house entitled “Evaluation of Supply Chain Performance: A Manufacturing Industry Approximation” as well as articles and book chapters in international journals and prestigious publishers. She has directed postgraduate and undergraduate thesis on topics related to Suppliers, Inventory Control, VMI, 3PL, Lean Manufacturing, Quality, among others.

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    Jorge Luis García Alcaraz, Ph.D.

    Jorge Luis García Alcaraz is a full-time professor attached to the Department of Industrial Engineering of the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez. He obtained a Bachelor's and a Master's degree in Industrial Engineering from the Technological Institute of Colima (Mexico), a Doctorate in Industrial Engineering sciences from the Technological Institute of Ciudad Juarez (Mexico), a Doctorate in Innovation in Product Engineering and Industrial Processes from the University of La Rioja (Spain), a Doctorate in Engineering and Industrial Technologies from the Public University of Navarra (Spain) and a Postdoctorate in Manufacturing Processes from the University of La Rioja (Spain). His main research areas are related to multi-criteria decision-making applied to lean manufacturing, modeling of production processes, statistical inference, and environmental impact analysis. He is a founding member of the Mexican Society for Operations Research and an active member of the Mexican Academy of Industrial Engineering. Currently, Dr. García is a level III National Researcher recognized by the National Council of Science and Technology of Mexico (CONACYT) and is working with research groups from Colombia, Spain, Chile, and the Dominican Republic. Dr. García is the author/co-author of around 150 articles published in journals indexed in Journal Citation Reports, more than 200 international conferences and congresses around the world. Dr. Garcia is the author/editor of 12 books published by international publishers, such as Springer and IGI Global, all related to lean manufacturing, as well as its tools and techniques.

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    Class 2017-1

    Alumno Advisor Country Links
    Dr. José Roberto Díaz Reza Dr. Jorge Luis García Alcaraz México ORCID
    M.I.I. José Roberto Mendoza Fong Dra. Aidé Aracely Maldonado Macías México ORCID
    Dra. Oziely Daniela Hernandez Armenta Dra. Aidé Aracely Maldonado Macías México ORCID


    Class 2017-2

    Alumno Advisor Country Links
    M.I.I. Manuel Alejandro Barajas Bustillos Dra. Aidé Aracely Maldonado Macías México ORCID
    M.I.I. Julián Israel Aguilar Duque Dr. Osslan Osiris Vergara Villegas México ORCID
    M.I.I. Felipe Arias del Campo Dr. Osslan Osiris Vergara Villegas México ORCID
    M.I. María Cristina Guevara Neri Dr. Osslan Osiris Vergara Villegas México ORCID

    Class 2018-1

    Alumno Advisor Country Links
    M.C.I.I. Jorge Hernán Restrepo Correa Dr. Juan Luis Hernández Arellano Colombia ORCID
    M.I.A. Ángel Fabián Campoya Morales Dr. Juan Luis Hernández Arellano México ORCID
    M.I.E. Felipe Dávila Dr. Osslan Osiris Vergara Villegas México ORCID

    Class 2019-2

    Alumno Director País Links
    M.T. Leandro José Rodríguez Hernández Dr. Humberto de Jesús Ochoa Domínguez Cuba ORCID

    Class 2019-1

    Alumno Director País Links
    Mtra. Maribel Mendoza Solís Dr. Jorge Luis García Alcaraz México ORCID
    Mtro. Arturo Iván Mendoza Arvizo Dra. Liliana Avelar Sosa México ORCID
    Mtro. Armando Bolívar Velazco Dr. Vicente García Jiménez México ORCID
    Mtro. Juan Manuel Madrid Solórzanos Dr. Jorge Luis García Alcaraz México ORCID

    Class 2020-1

    Alumno Director País Links
    Mtra. Alicia Margarita Jiménez Galina Dra. Aidé Aracely Maldonado Macías México
    Mtro. Iván Francisco Rodríguez Gámez Dra. Aidé Aracely Maldonado Macías México
    Mtro. Raúl Gibrán Porras Alaniz Dr. Vicente García Jiménez México


    Doctorado en Ciencias de la Ingeniería Avanzada
    Dr. Juan Luis Hernández Arellano
    +52 656 688 2100 ext. 4841